
第一次吃到提拉米蘇是在18年前,當時在麻州大學讀書,我們所在的小鎮沒什麼好吃的餐館,所以鎮上開了一家以磚窯燒烤的Pizza 店,我們便趨之若鶩,趕忙前去捧場。師傅當場桿Pizza皮,把麵糰往空中扔,接住,再扔,直到變成圓圓的大餅皮,然後照著顧客要求放上不同的 topping,最後送進大窯中去烤。所有過程都在我們眼前,不光填飽肚子,也飽了眼福。


以後每搬一個城,總想著找當地最好吃的 Tiramisu。至今吃過最好吃的,是在Cleveland的小義大利區的一家糕餅店吃到的。念念不忘到一個地步,如果有機會去Cleveland,常常拿個大冰桶裝一大盤回加拿大。

在這裡吃了很多家,都不夠正點。前幾週我們讀經時,Christina 拿了一盤自製的Tiramisu來。本來那天在禁食禱告的,一看到最愛立刻破功,吃了一大塊,雖然不如Cleveland 的,但是在加拿大已經是第一名了。

要了食譜,昨天跟Esther 兩人合作完成。老爹吃了一塊,說味道不像,說完又吃了一塊!今天在冰箱冰了一天之後,味道就像多了,原來得冰一陣子才行。


6 egg yolks
3/4~1 cup white sugar
1 container (475g) mascarpone cheese
2 cups (500ml) heavy whipping cream
3 ~4 packages lady fingers
1 cup strong brewed coffee (room temperature)
2 tablespoon coffee flavored liqueur (KAHLUA)
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa (for dusting)

A large glass casserole dish

1. Combine egg yolks and sugar in the bowl, put the bowl on the top of a double boiler (over boiling water). Reduce heat to low. Stir constantly (about 15 minutes) until sugar is dissolved and whip yolks become thick and lemon colored. Remove from heat and set aside.
2. In a separate bowl, whip cream to stiff peaks.
3. Add mascarpone to whipped yolks (1)and beat until combined.
4. Gently fold cream(2) into yolk mixture(3).
5. Combine coffee and coffee liqueur together.
6. Brush or dip lady fingers with coffee mixture. Line lady fingers in the bottom and sides of a casserole dish. Spoon half of the cream filling (4) over the lady fingers. Repeat ladyfingers, coffee mixture and filling layers.
7. Dust cocoa on the top.

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