昨天在書包發現了 John 的大作。我從來沒看過他寫過任何一篇完整的文章,所以我看到這篇"巨著",實在太太太感動啦!

老師要他們寫個故事,要用到metaphor 和 simile 兩個手法。我個人覺得十分有趣,貼出來奇文共賞。哈哈哈!

Once there were two Christmas trees named Wispy and Wospy. They had candy canes on their branches and at the very top of their tree they wore a special Christmas hat. They couldn’t move around because they were trees. Wispy and Wospy were bossy but they were kind bossy. They lived at the North Pole in the town of Elf City. Elf City looks more Christmas like because they have snow.

Wispy’s job was to make things straight with the elves. So he made sure they did their job correctly. The elves jobs were to make toys that are what the children in Room 202 want and to feed the reindeer. Wospy, Wispy’s brother, read notes from children in Room 202 and translated them to elf language. The notes told the elves what toys the children in Room 202 want.

All the reindeer thought the elves were cool because the elves took care of them very well. One day, Ron the Reindeer, who was as rude and rotten as a rotten egg, decided he wanted to join the elves. When he joined the elves he realized they were making toys for children. Ron the rotten Reindeer was horrendously mad. Ron didn’t like humans and thought that the kids should get no toys.

Ron the rude and rotten reindeer made a poisonous potion. The potion took the magic away from the elves, so they couldn’t make toys and they turned to ice. Ron secretly put the potion into some cookies, famous ones like ultra chocolate chip. The elves bought the famous ultra chocolate chips cookies. They ate cookies for snack because they were hungry. They soon lost their magic and turned to ice. The elves were like ice cubes.

Christmas night, Wispy was shouting out, “Elves! Elves!” but there was no sign of the elves.

Wospy said, “Are they asleep or something?” Wispy said, “No, they can’t be. They’re on their job every night.”

So Wispy shouted out to the elves again, “Elves! Elves!”

Wospy yelled to the other reindeer, “Reindeers are you awake?” Then Dasher came and said, “What?” in his reindeer language.

Wispy and Wospy told Dasher that there was no sign of the elves and they were ready to load up Santa’s sleigh. So Dasher said, “OK I will try to find them.”

Dasher found the elves in the workshop frozen as ice cubes. Dasher called for Rudolph and the others. They went to Wispy and Wospy and said, “What do we do? All the elves are frozen.”

Wispy and Wospy lent them some wood from their branches. The reindeer used the wood to make a fire to warm all of the elves. When the elves were melted they were able to make toys for the children in Room 202. They loaded the toys and Santa sent the presents to Room 202 and the other places, too.

Wispy said, “Tsk, tsk.”

Wospy said, “Who’s there?”

“Wospy!” said Wispy.

“Wospy who?” said Wospy.

“Do you need a hearing aid?” said Wispy. “You are hearing things I am not saying.”

“Good night!” said Wispy.


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